Queen Bee Wax Melt Burner Gift Set



This wax melt burner gift set includes a ceramic burner with adorable bee illustration and a tin containing a beautifully scented Vanilla Honey soy wax disc. Each 25g disc is divided into 4 sections for up to 45 hours of long-lasting fragrance. Handmade in the UK from 100% vegan soy wax and high-quality fragrance oil blends. Packaged in a gift box with a matching design that’s perfect for gifting. Product Dimensions: H11cm x W11cm x D10.6cm Packaged Dimensions: H14.5cm x W11.5cm x D11cm

1805 in stock

This wax melt burner gift set includes a ceramic burner with adorable bee illustration and a tin containing a beautifully scented Vanilla Honey soy wax disc. Each 25g disc is divided into 4 sections for up to 45 hours of long-lasting fragrance. Handmade in the UK from 100% vegan soy wax and high-quality fragrance oil blends. Packaged in a gift box with a matching design that’s perfect for gifting. Product Dimensions: H11cm x W11cm x D10.6cm Packaged Dimensions: H14.5cm x W11.5cm x D11cm

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