Ostara Wax Melt Burner Gift Set by Anne Stokes



This beautifully presented oil burner and honey scented wax melt gift set features the ‘Ostara’ dragon design printed in high quality colour. Part of the ‘Dragons of the Sabbat’ artwork series by fantasy artist Anne Stokes. Product Dimensions: H11.5cm x W10cm x D10cm Packaged Dimensions: H14.5cm x W11cm x D11cm

945 in stock

This beautifully presented oil burner and honey scented wax melt gift set features the ‘Ostara’ dragon design printed in high quality colour. Part of the ‘Dragons of the Sabbat’ artwork series by fantasy artist Anne Stokes. Product Dimensions: H11.5cm x W10cm x D10cm Packaged Dimensions: H14.5cm x W11cm x D11cm

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