Green Tree Yoga Collection Incense Sticks



The Green Tree Yoga Collection includes 6 varieties of boxed masala incense sticks in one convenient gift set that’s perfect for meditation. Scents include; Happy Yoga (patchouli and amber), Spiritual Yoga (sandalwood), Chakra Lotus (floral), Surya Namaskar (spicy), 7 Chakras (earthy and clean), and Yoga Tree (woody). Each inner box contains 15g of incense, approximately 11-15 sticks. Product Dimensions: H25cm x W22cm x D2cm Packaged Dimensions: H25cm x W22cm x D2cm

26 in stock

The Green Tree Yoga Collection includes 6 varieties of boxed masala incense sticks in one convenient gift set that’s perfect for meditation. Scents include; Happy Yoga (patchouli and amber), Spiritual Yoga (sandalwood), Chakra Lotus (floral), Surya Namaskar (spicy), 7 Chakras (earthy and clean), and Yoga Tree (woody). Each inner box contains 15g of incense, approximately 11-15 sticks. Product Dimensions: H25cm x W22cm x D2cm Packaged Dimensions: H25cm x W22cm x D2cm

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