Green Tea ‘Luck’ Spell Tube Candle



Inspired by traditional 7-day prayer candles, this green pillar candle is contained in a glass jar and scented with green tea making it perfect for accompanying spells for luck and good fortune. Paraffin wax. Average burn time of 70 hours. Product Dimensions: H21cm x W6cm x D6cm Packaged Dimensions: H22cm x W7cm x D7cm

1274 in stock

Inspired by traditional 7-day prayer candles, this green pillar candle is contained in a glass jar and scented with green tea making it perfect for accompanying spells for luck and good fortune. Paraffin wax. Average burn time of 70 hours. Product Dimensions: H21cm x W6cm x D6cm Packaged Dimensions: H22cm x W7cm x D7cm

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