Bat Shit Crazy Metal Water Bottle



Even crazy, old bats need to keep hydrated! This black metal water bottle makes a great eco-friendly replacement for plastic and features funny ‘Bat Shit Crazy’ text. This item features a convenient screw-top lid to prevent accidental spills. 500ml capacity. Hand wash only. Do not microwave. Suitable for hot or cold beverages. BPA free. Product Dimensions: H26.5cm x W6cm x D6cm Packaged Dimensions: H27cm x W7cm x D7cm

400 in stock

Even crazy, old bats need to keep hydrated! This black metal water bottle makes a great eco-friendly replacement for plastic and features funny ‘Bat Shit Crazy’ text. This item features a convenient screw-top lid to prevent accidental spills. 500ml capacity. Hand wash only. Do not microwave. Suitable for hot or cold beverages. BPA free. Product Dimensions: H26.5cm x W6cm x D6cm Packaged Dimensions: H27cm x W7cm x D7cm

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